Why Can’t I get a AC/Heating Replacement System Estimate over the Phone?
Providing an accurate estimate for the replacement of your HVAC system is easy once you have the information needed.
An on-site consultation and site survey is the best way for a comfort consultant or HVAC product expert to gather the information needed to prepare the most accurate quote. It’s also an opportunity for us to introduce TemperaturePro San Antonio and to share the equipment brands, technologies, and accessory options available with a homeowner.
Regardless of size, a new system is a big investment and there should be more considerations other than just price alone. Companies that sell only on price must abandon the care & maintenance of their existing base to go find another sale to keep the doors open.
In addition to a good price, TemperaturePro San Antonio is a reliable company that stands behind the quality of the workmanship and system installation. Our pricing gives us the ability to offer competitive pricing yet takes into consideration the hiring of well-qualified technicians, offering reliable, quality equipment, and preparing us for the long-term ongoing maintenance and future service your system will need.
With other contractors, you might be a one-time transaction, but with TemperaturePro San Antonio, you’re a customer for life.
So, what does a new complete AC & Heating system cost?
It depends… pricing is contingent on:
1. System Type (Gas, Electric, or Heat pump)
2. Brand of Equipment (Trane, Carrier, Bryant, Goodman, Lennox, etc)
3. The size of the unit needed (tons/Btuhs) – a heating and cooling load calculation should be performed and the tons needed verified.
4. The SEER Rating of the equipment (14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, & 21+) SEER is “how much energy” a unit consumes & annual cost of operation.
5. The type of compressor in the outdoor condensing unit
(single speed, 2-stage, variable speed, modulating or communicating)
6. The type of blower paired with the coil & condenser (PSC, (single speed) ECM (multi-speed options) or variable speed modulating, variable & communicating)
7. The thermostat type wanted (non-programmable, Programmable, Wifi, digital…)
8. Filter Type & location: Filter Grill or medial cabinet at the air handler? and filter size (1”, 2”, 4”, electric) and filter MERV 8, 11, 13, +
9. Options for Indoor Air Quality accessories like UV lights & Ionic Wave machines.
10. What’s the condition of the ductwork? Is the ductwork sealed? Is there duct leakage to account for?
11. What are the levels of Blown-in Insulation to reduce heat penetration and hold in the conditioned AC & Heating?
12. Are there areas of the house that are uncomfortable? Hot Spots or Over Cooled rooms? (Air Balancing Options)
13. Is one AC/Heating unit supporting a 2 story home? (Zoning Options)
14. Extended Labor policy options to pair with the manufacturers parts warranty
Once these questions have been answered during the site survey and initial consultation, a comfort advisor or product specialist can help guide you to the basic, better and best options for your home and budget.
Schedule a free consultation and estimate preparation for a system replacement today. Give TemperaturePro San Antonio a call today at
(210) 944-TPRO.